Hainan Lingshui Shuangrong Temple planning final briefing 【Program Report 2012】

     December 25, 2012, Shuangrong Temple concept planning program final report held in Haikou City, Hainan Province, Shuangrong ancient residence of the Master Road and the protection of law enforcement officers attended the meeting.The report is divided into two parts: the introduction of the DLAI planning assistance and the planning report of the Shuangrong ancient temple. The plan is based on the results of the first two rounds of planning and the improvement of the medium-term report.

      Planning the concept of "green, low-carbon, energy-saving" Tang Feng Jedong monastery, planning the introduction of widely recognized US LEED green building evaluation standards, the full use of solar energy, wind energy and other sustainable green energy, so that follow-up maintenance costs greatly reduced.Fully consider the current and future development trends, the continuation of the traditional monastery pattern, innovative planning concept and the combination of practical planning program by the wisdom of teachers and laymen of praise.

     Participants in the planning question and answer questions enthusiastic, warm atmosphere, Shuangrong ancient residence of the Master Road, announced the program through the assessment.